Sunday, January 29, 2012


This blog has been on my heart for a while now! Here we go!

So I have this friend and she has a boyfriend... Sounds normal right? Well her boyfriend treats her like CRAP. But she is still with him... Now, i would think she would kick his behind to the curb, like yesterday! I was thinkin, why does she put up with his trash? I mean she's a beautiful girl, awesome personality, and she's fun to be around! She could have any guy she wanted, and yet she's settling for this dude.?.? (scratching my head lol).

You know what I think the problem is? This girl has dated alot of guy. She's gives alot to them emotionally but, the big problem is she has been "dating" since middle school. She has this idea that single means your alone! So instead of waiting for the right guy she dates all the wrong ones, trying to fill this hole the last guy left in her heart...

Ladies don't settle because you want your Facebook to say "in a relationship." guys aren't perfect, but dont let someone use you as a door mat!

So to sum this up.. Single does NOT = alone. You have friends, family, and Jesus! 😃 your worth more then what you've been putting up with!
