Thursday, October 13, 2011


I haven't blogged in a hot minute. Here goes nothing. Lol

Today seemed to be a long day. I really didn't want to go to work. It seemed like the more I thought about it the more I was dreading it. This kinda bothered me because I just read a blog about 3 little boys from Nicaragua. Their story in short is, they have NOTHING. They had a little cot that 3 boys sleep on in the floor, a broken bed frame (the mom slept on) and a chair with 6 outfits for all 4 of them... Their house was made up of sticks and plastic. This totally crushes my heart!

Their story is their mom is a single mom and she can't work due to a mental disability. Could you imagine being a mom who couldn't provide. Once again my heart is crushed.

The kids are forced to drop out of school because they can't afford it.

Ya know they would probably kill to have a job and go to school.. And sit here and say " I don't want to work or do homework or even go to school. This just put things into perspective for me! I really needed that!

So let's be thankful for what we have! We have alot :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shark Bait

Well I'll start off by saying I'm going to the beach for vaka on Tuesday! I'm really excited to go in the beach! I'm an adventurous person so I like the "challenge" of getting pounded by waves and all that fun stuff.

So I was sitting in my room thinking about the ocean and how you can sit on the sand and it looks like the ocean goes on forever! Then I began to think about how when I go on a cruise you're surrounded by nothing but water.. And it's deep water!

In Micah 7:19 it says "You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." (NIV)

God throws our sins "into the depths of the sea" but why do we go after them?... When we go after our sin we become tired, board,and weak. Because you don't have your feet on the ocean floor, we're just treading water, weighed down by our sin. We can't bring our sin to the shore.

I'm not a big shark fan. I don't watch Shark week or anything like that. But I do know that sharks go after those seals (or what ever they eat) when they are alone and away from the pack.
Sharks also are more common in deep water,where our sin is.

I've grown up in church and I've always heard "don't give the enemy a foothold." what does that even mean?!?! A foothold is A secure position from which further progress may be made (yes, google helped me out on the definition).I don't know about you but I really don't want the enemy to have ANY foothold in my life!

So Let's stop swimming out to our sin. Just let Jesus throw it like nobody's business. Let his love cover us. Let his grace consume us! And rest in the fact that you are forgiven! :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Baby talk

So this is my first blog ever! It's something I've wanted to do for a while now, but I just never got around to doing it! Anyways here I go!!

So God has been speaking to me about being a child of God. I was thinking it's pretty awesome that he would call us that! Then I thought about what if my earthly dad didn't call me his daughter.. What if he introduced me as "this kid", or maybe he would say "I don't even know her." but when you call someone your child, it shows ownership! It's states that that's your child!Now my dad (Mark Jeffreys) alway introduces my as his " baby girl." even when we were in Nicaragua and I had to translate that I'm his baby girl! How do we translate that we belong to the king of kings and lord of lords?! It's not always easy to do! In fact it's actualy hard sometimes!

I remember one day at work, I think it was a Monday so we were slow. I was stoking everything and as I was carrying something to the front I thought "I'm a child of God." I began to walk with my shoulders back, a smile on my face, and I was content! This moment has really impacted my life! There is something about knowing who you are and who you are in him!

I know that my earthly dad has authority over me. But I also know that my dads not a power hungry goober... Well he is a goober! Haha jk! But I know that he knows what's best for me. You see, God orders our steps,The average person takes 5,210 steps a day... And God orders them all! Do you think he cares just a tad bit (sarcasm)!

So if I don't leave you with anything today, please remember who you are! It's so easy to forget! You are a child of God! :)