Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shark Bait

Well I'll start off by saying I'm going to the beach for vaka on Tuesday! I'm really excited to go in the beach! I'm an adventurous person so I like the "challenge" of getting pounded by waves and all that fun stuff.

So I was sitting in my room thinking about the ocean and how you can sit on the sand and it looks like the ocean goes on forever! Then I began to think about how when I go on a cruise you're surrounded by nothing but water.. And it's deep water!

In Micah 7:19 it says "You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." (NIV)

God throws our sins "into the depths of the sea" but why do we go after them?... When we go after our sin we become tired, board,and weak. Because you don't have your feet on the ocean floor, we're just treading water, weighed down by our sin. We can't bring our sin to the shore.

I'm not a big shark fan. I don't watch Shark week or anything like that. But I do know that sharks go after those seals (or what ever they eat) when they are alone and away from the pack.
Sharks also are more common in deep water,where our sin is.

I've grown up in church and I've always heard "don't give the enemy a foothold." what does that even mean?!?! A foothold is A secure position from which further progress may be made (yes, google helped me out on the definition).I don't know about you but I really don't want the enemy to have ANY foothold in my life!

So Let's stop swimming out to our sin. Just let Jesus throw it like nobody's business. Let his love cover us. Let his grace consume us! And rest in the fact that you are forgiven! :)


  1. i really like that imagery. the more sin in our lives, the more the enemy has a foothold on us, the more we are weighed down and drown. and you know what's funny, sometimes we won't even believe we're drowning. but then at some point, you break the surface, you find shore. and you find what a great life God has in store for us. "I came so that you might have life, and have it more fully" John 10:10

  2. Nitcholas that's so true! Thanks for the feedback! Miss ya!
